(E, pills, doves, MDMA, MDEA, MDA etc.)

Ecstasy is a powerful stimulant and mood changer that speeds up your body system and alters your perception of the world.

It can make you feel both uplifted and relaxed and feeling very happy, usually with an overwhelming urge to dance. The effects of E vary considerably from one person to the next, depending on who you're with, where you are and how you're feeling at the time.

Usually coming in the form of small pills selling at around £8 - £12, or more rarely as MDMA powder, the effects of E can be felt for anything up to 8 hours, although this time reduces considerably for regular users.

Within 20 minutes to an hour after taking ecstasy, your heart may go into bangin' gabba overdrive and you might feel a bit hot and sticky while your mouth goes dry. Sometimes, you'll come up with a huge exhilarating rush and possibly experience hallucinations.

During the two hours when the effects are their strongest, even the sound of a cutlery tray being dropped will sound unbearably danceable, you'll be walking around with a ludicrous grin on your face and even a set of Millwall fans will appear hugely huggable.

Lights will seem brighter and colours more intense. You'll feel firmly locked into the groove on the dancefloor and feel happy and confident. These feelings will slowly diminish as the drugs wear down.

Because E removes all feelings of tiredness and thirst it is vital that you keep yourself hydrated if you're dancing non-stop. Try to drink around a pint of fluid an hour (not alcohol) to replace fluids lost by dancing - isotonic drinks are particularly good. If you're not dancing then you don't need to drink so much as it can be harmful - as in the tragic case of Leah Betts.


Side Effects: Like most strong drugs, expect to appear very strange when encountering straight friends. E can make you strut wildly and enthusiastically to some of the worst tunes in the world while hugging very unsavoury characters. You will also quite probably talk a whole load of bullshit and any photographs taken of you in this state will prove wildly amusing to your friends afterwards.

Avoid taking ecstasy if you're on anti-depressants, and try to avoid wolfing down cans of Super Tennents as the alcohol will dehydrate you - as well as weaken the effects of the E. Ecstasy puts a tremendous strain on your heart, liver and kidneys, and it's important to take time out in a chill-out area during the night.

Most of the dangers come from people overheating and not replacing enough fluids while dancing, so it is essential to keep drinking water if you're dancing. We can't stress this fact enough. But also be careful not to drink too much - about about a pint an hour is right if you're on the dancefloor.

Remember that water is not an antidote to E, it just helps combat the dehydrating qualities of the drug.

Always make sure that you can get home safely before taking E, and don't try to drive.

Because E is a stimulant, the comedown is much like that from speed. Once you've come down you might feel a bit depressed, anxious, hungry and tired with some people getting it worse than others. You might also notice a laxative effect. Long-term frequent users often get run-down from exhaustion and suffer colds, sore throats and flu. Women can be susceptible to cystitis and thrush.

How long do the effects last? MDMA: 4-6 hours, MDEA: 3-5 hours, MDA: 8-10 hours, MBDB: 4-6 hours. Note: These are approximate times as duration and intensity depend on a variety of factors including the amount of the drug taken, its strength, purity, body weight and the physical and psychological makeup of the individual concerned.


Health risks: Despite all the hysterical reports in the tabloids declaring ecstasy to be the Killer Drug from Hell, the truth is that it is a comparably safe drug when compared to other legal drugs. That's not to say that it is harmless, but in a climate of media hysteria and disinformation it is important to keep the risks in perspective.

In 1995 Leah Betts tragically died after taking an 'E' and drinking water to counter the drug's effect. Read the full story here.

Since 1988 it is calculated that some 50-100 deaths have been linked with ecstasy out of a regular user base calculated at over 500,000 people. There is no conclusive evidence to the long-term effects of ecstasy, although some experts suspect that it might lead to mental health problems in later life.

IMPORTANT: Recent health studies (July 2000) have suggested that there may be a link between brain damage and long term ecstasy use. Click here for more.

Detection periods: Ecstasy can be detected in the urine up to 2-4 days after use at common levels.

The Law: MDMA and Ecstasy are categorised as Class A drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971

(UK readers may be interested in purchasing an E Testing Kit. The basic kit consists of a liquid which tests if a scraping of a pill is amphetamine or E based and costs £15+£4 p&p, and the Advanced Kit which also includes a Micrometer to compare the pill size to lab results on the net £30 + £4 p&p. For delivery outside the UK add another £4. Send cheques/PO to Green Party Drugs Group, 1a Waterlow Rd, London N19 5NJ. Info: 0181 678 9420)

Also check out the following E testing/info websites: and


ecstasy: safety
Report from The Times, Nov 22, 1995

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Correspondent

Leah Betts, the teenager who collapsed after taking an Ecstasy tablet, died as a result of drinking too much water, which made her brain swell.

Doctors who treated her at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, where she was taken after lapsing into a coma at home during her 18th birthday party, will tell the coroner that "water intoxication", and not an allergic reaction to the drug, was the cause of death. The inquest into her death is to open in Chelmsford today but is expected to be adjourned. The coroner will receive a post-mortem report by the Home Office pathologist Dr Paula Lammis.

Water intoxication occurs when a person drinks so much water - a minimum of three litres - that the blood becomes diluted. Laboratory results show that on admission to hospital hours after taking the 10 pounds tablet, Leah's plasma sodium level - a measure of how dilute her blood had become - had fallen to 126 millimoles per litre compared with a normal range of 134 to 145.

As a result, water was sucked into her brain cells under osmotic pressure, causing them to swell. This increased pressure on the brain stem, resulting in coma and death.


Overheating and dehydration are known risks of taking Ecstasy, a stimulant which can keep young people dancing for hours, and drug agencies advise users to drink plenty of water and take frequent rests.

Although she had not been dancing energetically for hours, it is understood that when Leah began to feel unwell at the party she made repeated trips to the bathroom to drink water. She believed mistakenly that this was the way to ward off the ill-effects of the drug.

Leah's case attracted national attention after her parents tried to alert young people to the dangers of drug-taking, releasing a photograph of her in intensive care. At Prime Minister's Question Time yesterday, John Major expressed sympathy for the girl's parents.

Experts said yesterday that a single pill of the drug could not have poisoned her and was highly unlikely to have caused an allergic reaction. Analysis of blood samples has also shown that the pill was not contaminated, as earlier speculation had suggested. Friends who took the same pills were unaffected.


Dr John Henry, director of the National Poisons Unit at Guy's Hospital, said "I am not aware of anyone who has died as a result of an acute allergic reaction to Ecstasy. Her low plasma sodium level makes her death much more explicable. She drank a lot of water but with a lack of understanding of why she needed to drink water. Water is not an antidote to Ecstasy, it is an antidote to dancing."

Dr Henry said Ecstasy led to compulsive behaviour as well as blocking the body's normal signals indicating thirst or tiredness. "There have been cases of teenagers drinking too much water before," he said.

Dr Peter Berridge, a consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Oldham Hospital who has treated Ecstasy users, said powerful stimulants such as Ecstasy triggered release of ADH, a hormone that slows the action of the kidneys, even when excess water is in the body. "Water intoxication can occur after drinking as little as three litres. Under these circumstances, it causes headache, nausea and vomiting," he said.


"Leah Betts died after just one [Ecstasy] tablet - she drank too much water whilst the drug stopped her body disposing of it. It may be she set out not to disgrace her parents. When she started to feel ill she thought: what could she do, and she started to drink water."

Dr Berridge said the advice from drug agencies to young people to drink plain water could have fatal consequences, as in Leah's case. They should drink water or soft drinks with salt added at the rate of two teaspoons per litre or isotonic sports drinks. If taken in excessive amounts these could lead to swelling in the body tissues but would not cause swelling of the brain because the would maintain plasma sodium levels.

"Young people going to raves should take a two-litre bottle of pop with four teaspoons of salt added. It can be water or pop, flat or fizzy, anything they like. It doesn't taste too salty.

"It is not realistic to rely on young people saying 'No' to drugs. There is no way we are going to stop them using drugs. We have to limit the harm drugs can do."

This article © The Times, 1995.