heroin Side effects: Heroin can turn some people into mumbling, introspective bores, unable to get a grip on what's going on around them. Female users may have interrupted periods. Heroin suppresses the appetite and dehydrates the body and this can lead to users not eating properly and their health subsequently suffering. Someone withdrawing from an opiate habit (clucking, or going cold turkey) is going to have a really grim time. Hot and cold sweats, nausea, diarrhoea and confusion are accompanied by an intense craving to take more of the drug to make them well again. Heroin withdrawal is not physically dangerous, but will almost certainly be very unpleasant. Health risks: Most of the dangers of heroin use come from using shared or dirty needles which can considerably increase your chances of contracting diseases like HIV (see HIV: preventing infection), hepatitis, septicaemia, gangrene and pneumonia as well as developing body sores and ulcers. Overdosing can lead to death. There have also been many deaths from people buying street heroin that is either too pure or cut with dangerous substances. Safety: Always use new sterile needles. If you must share needles clean them thoroughly. Sterilisation by boiling is the best method, the next best methods are to flush cold water and washing up liquid through the syringe or to flush concentrated bleach through the syringe. In both cases repeat the process several times and rinse the equipment thoroughly with cold water. See our safer drug use guide. Always dispose of the needles safely. Check out our Safer Drug Use page Detection periods: Heroin can be detected in the urine up to 1-2 days after use at common levels, 2 days for methadone. The Law: Heroin is categorised as Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. A charge of possession of a drug with intent to supply can be brought by the police. This includes giving a substance away for free, and can be for any amount of Heroin that the court feels is too unreasonably large to be for personal use only. |